i n d e x
(here I keep links to my other pages such as home, homework schedule, and weekly agenda)
c l a s s e s
( keep pages for each class you have so you can keep your notes organized!)
I move them over to the gallery when the semester is over so only my current classes are under this section
s c h o o l l i n k s
“be proud of your progress”
s c h e d u l e
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
(here is an a example of a homework scheduler)
create a table and start inputing assignments from your syllabus
include tags for the class, type of assignment, and due date [ this will be helpful for filtering through. your assignments for due dates and or just by class]
to filter simple hit the filter button and choose whatever system works for you [ i made it so if anything was marked completed it no longer showed on the table]